Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Final LSL Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final LSL - Assignment Example Lack of a corridor to the Diablo Range could lead to the death and extinction of these wildlife animals (The Nature Conservancy, â€Å"California: Mount Hamilton†). 4. Ecosystem Management - How can a large-scale or â€Å"landscape† approach to regional planning help wildlife: Planning is essential as it will prevent the depletion of the corridors due to factors such as urbanization or even industrialization. Planning will ensure protection of animals from predators when they are migrating to safer areas. Lastly, planning will help regulate the amount of water drawn from the landscape for the purposes of agricultural practices by the people living close to the corridor thus prevent frequent migration of animals to look for water. All living things and non living things cannot survive without the ecosystem in place. This is what determines where we get our food from and how the plant themselves get food from the soil. The wildlife corridors in our environment are very essential to animals. Their depletion will definitely cause an imbalance the ecosystem this is because; lack of the corridor will definitely lead to the extinction of the rare species of animals that normally depend on the corridor when they are migrating to sustainable area. The corridor helps support animal life because when faced with lack of water, they have to migrate to look for water else if the corridor doesn’t exist, that means that that population is dead. So planning on how big the corridor is should be important as factors such as urbanization and human agricultural activity are proving to reduce water in the landscape and also humans are starting to cover the corridor landscape thus causing the extinction of the animals there . As a conclusion, wildlife in essential to the environment and lack of these animals will definitely lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem, and thus preservation of the corridor will lead

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